About Us
We are a group of like minded independent entrepreneurs, and each one of us is a specialist in our field.
Giving back is at the core of who we are. We work hard for our customers and also give back to help non-profits.
Almost every member of our team is involved in volunteerism or philanthropy. The joy we receive in giving far outweighs any effort we put in. We believe that no donation is too little and that rolling up our sleeves and volunteering our time is just as important as donating money.
We also have non-profit clients that we are so proud to be able to work with such as Foster Kinship and Family Promise of Las Vegas.
Some of the non-profit organizations that we are proud to support as individuals are: Sisal Foundation, AMA Alliance, Red Cross, St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Food For The Poor, The Cupcake Girls, Be A Shero Foundation, Vegas Youth Ambassadors, The Animal Foundation, Women In Distress
Our Mission
- To work hard with integrity and to treat our clients as we do our own businesses.
- To understand and be compassionate when we make mistakes and give grace to others when they do. We all make mistakes but done is better than perfect.
- To be loyal to those who hire us and to those who help us along the way and to never forget who brought us to the dance.
- To give back to those in need and who are less fortunate than we are.
- To play hard and enjoy life because the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.
- To put our mental health and our families first because without that nothing works well.
- To be grateful for all of our clients and all of the blessings that we are given.
- To be committed to the team because there is no I in Team and without each other’s support we cannot grow.
- To be the best we can be, we do our best and forget the rest.
Your Medical Liaison is a proud member of …