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How Instagram Can Help With Marketing Your Medical Practice

Instagram is a continuously growing social networking site.

As such, it has many different aspects that can help your medical practice grow. For instance, keeping a clean and well-managed page can make a big difference in establishing your brand. And, in attracting patients/customers.

As such, it has many different aspects that can help your medical practice grow. For instance, keeping a clean and well-managed page can make a big difference in establishing your brand. And, in attracting patients/customers.

So many people use Instagram now that it has become an important site for marketing.

And, there are many different ways to use Instagram including:

  • Picture posts
  • Short videos
  • 24-hour stories
  • Paid advertisements.

Each of these elements can be used strategically to reach out to potential leads and build a relationship with clients.

Attracting A Younger Demographic

This social media platform largely attracts a younger demographic. And, according to Pew Research, the highest percentage of users are 18 to 29-years-old (71%). This group is followed by those who are 30 to 49-years-old (40+%).

While younger generations are the earliest adopters of this social network, statistics from Pew Research also show that older generations are starting to embrace the app, albeit more slowly.

Running An Instagram Page That Appeals To Clients

Your Medical Liaison knows how to run an Instagram business page that appeals to your clients and grows your medical practice.

If you’re interested in getting started, Your Medical Liaison can help you. We offer training, done with you, and done for you, programs.

Let us do your Instagram marketing so you can focus on running your business.

Give us a call today to learn more.